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Event 1: MAX Log Press

Athletes, you’re tasked with lifting the heaviest log in WA!!!

Are you ready to prove you’ve got the strongest shoulders in WA?

This is your moment to make a statement and claim the title of WA’s Strongest. Get ready to rise to the occasion and leave your mark on the stage!

Event description:

Athletes have three attempts to perform a Log Press.

Following rising bar format athletes will register their first attempts prior to the event start and as such the running order will be established, which will go in a ascending log order. once your attempt is done you will have until the end of the next athletes attempt to present your next weight jump to the side Judge. Failure to present your next attempt will result in an automatic 2.5kg jump.

Athletes may select any weight increment for their attempts with a minimum weight increase of 2.5kg.

You will have 60 seconds per attempt.

For State, National and potential world records, we will allow 1kg jumps to be made but the side referee will need to be notified before the event starts to coordinate the appropriate referees.

Minimum Starting weights:

By no means will this be the heaviest logs of the day.

Strongwomen will use a 10” diameter log and Strongmen will use a 12” diameter log.


U64kg - 50kg

U73kg - 60kg

U82kg - 70kg

Open - 75kg

Masters Strongwoman (40+) - 50kg


U80kg - 80kg

U90kg - 90kg

U105kg - 100kg

Open - 110kg

Masters Strongman (40+) - 80kg


  • Athletes MUST lock out elbows, knees and hips then show control of the implement at the top for the lift to be deemed successful. Any athletes with lockout limitations will need to notify officials prior to the event. Also, you will need to be signal to the referee before each lift of your limitation.

  • The log cannot rest on top of the athletes head to press

  • 10” log for females / 12” log for males 

  • Maximum use of 2 belts (1 soft belt + 1 hard belt) 

  • Other equipment allowed: knee sleeves/wraps , wrist wraps and elbow sleeves. 

  • Athletes will only be allowed two full press attempts per lift.

    ie. If an athlete performs a log clean and fails to press but maintains the rack position multiple attempts can be made and it will still be deemed as their first attempt.

    If a log has been dropped and you perform another clean it will be your last attempt and time cap permitting, you may perform as many press attempts in the rack position.

    If the log is dropped a second time before your time is up the lift will be deemed a failed lift.

23 November

Event 2: Elephant Bar Deadlift for Reps